I have this old lady approaching 17 years of age.  With age came a bunch of allergies and food-related issues, including kidney problems.  As a dog ages, their little bodies have more and more difficulty dealing with protein and carbs, jsut like us.

I’ve had her on a special low animal protein diet for the better part of the last 2 years and this has brought new life to my girl.  But, now, she’s bored with her food.  She’s always been picky.  But, now she’d rather spend 2-3 days with only the smallest of nibbles than eat another plateful of that boring low protein canned mush her doctor prescribes.

So, I’ve been doing some research to find things I can add to her diet without destroying her necessary healthy diet.

I believe I found just the thing – treats.  I’ve tried them all and each one has received the approval of all my dogs and cats.  I recommend all of them.

I have a lot of dogs and cats.  Plus, I make a lot of homemade food for dogs and cats at a local shelter I volunteer at.  I’m not ready to feed my younger dogs on a plant-based diet as a whole.  But, I am more than ready to introduce healthy, vegan treats for my dogs.


My vet is all for feeding healthy, all natural vegan snacks for dogs.  And why not add some tasty vegan treats for cats too?  As long as their diet is balanced, organic, homemade treats for cats is just another great way to add even more goodness to their diet.

So, check out these recipes.

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