Knowledge saves lives
Niche groups
What do you do if you find an injured pigeon?
How do you care for hamsters?
If you find an injured hedgehog, how can you provide first aid?
This is what our niche groups is about. Like Facebook groups, our groups bring together like-minded people to network locally and support each other.

What is KindBunch?
KindBunch is a not-for-profit community at the service of animal welfare.
Opening in early 2025, our platform consists of a community, a video hub, an appeals directory for animal rescues, a pet service providers directory and a marketplace for animal lovers and pet parents – all to raise money for homeless animals.
Take a tour and get acquainted with KindBunch.
What are groups for?
We want to build groups that educate, support and save lives.
Knowledge saves lives. What to do if we find an injured pigeon? Our group for pigeon lovers can provide answers and support.
Local networks
Each group can build a network of local contacts for everyone to rely on - fosters, shelters, caretakers, specialist veterinary care, etc.
Sharing information, tips and tricks with like-minded people about caring for the animals in our lives makes such a difference.
Fun is everything. And every community needs to have its fun, share stories, images, videos, podcasts, etc.
Niche Groups
Get a sneak peak of some of the groups the community is creating.
Create & run your own group
Share your knowledge with your community and help them to save lives.
Run groups for any kind of animal. Build a local network of foster homes for animals in need.
Provide immediate feedback in emergency cases.
We’ll provide you with all the tools you need to build local or global networks to work together.
Our niche groups will save lives!
Raise money for your cause
(this offer is exclusive for not-for-profit group admins by invitation only)
It’s only fair that you take a share of the revenue KindBunch generates.
With every interaction, you raise money that you can withdraw straight to your Paypal account every month.
We believe that, with more alternative sources of income for rescues, more animals can be saved.
That’s why we built KindBunch.

The Marketplace
This Autumn, we're launching our Marketplace, where vendors from all over the world will be able to sell pet accessories directly.
At KindBunch, we can't handle a full-on marketplace that makes sales and has to handle refunds, etc. We're a small outfit focused on animal welfare.
So, instead, we charge vendors a tiny fee of 1 cent for every person who clicks over to their own stores
As such, you keep 1/2 of that cent for referring shoppers to our vendors, while the Mondego Fund absorbs the other half.
Your group can showcase products that are relevant to your group. And for each sale referred from your group, you receive 5% of the sale.
The marketplace opens in early 2025.
Cruelty-free Ad Network
There are a ton of advertisers who will gladly pay for a spot to advertise their products on an active group.
We run our own in-house advertising network. Advertisers can only buy ads from us directly. Meaning, no third parties involved.
All our ads are non-intrusive on-site and do not track off-site.
We only accept advertising for services and products that are 100% cruelty-free.
100% for animal welfare
100% of this revenue goes into the Mondego Fund to be distributed to our animal rescues.
For every ad spot purchased in your group, you receive automatically 50% of the value, while the Mondego Fund absorbs the other half.
Monetize your own timeline
At KindBunch, we are firm believers that fosters, rescues and others involved in animal welfare have to diversify their sources of revenue in order to stop depending solely on donations.
We live in confusing times, and people are struggling and confused with what our future holds. So, donations, right now, are scarce. There are too many animals to save and not enough donations.
So, at KindBunch we welcome you to try different revenue streams. Affiliate programs, referral programs...you are welcome to use as you wish. We only ask that you focus on cruelty-free options.
There are more and more plant-based alternatives each day!
Receive donations directly
Add your own Paypal button to receive donations from your members or visitors directly.
How it works
Run through the tabs below to get to know our groups a little better.

You will have the ability to :
- Reject, ban or suspend any member
- Select others to administrate the group with you
- Upgrade any member to moderator status
- Admins & moderators can delete any content from any member you wish.
- Build a local network of foster homes
- Share your knowledge about feeding, shelter, care, etc.
- Offer specialist feedback for emergency situations
- Provide local contacts
- Build a local network of foster homes
Do not's
- Not suitable for business or commercial promotions without pre-approved consent
- Withdraw direct to your Paypal every Tuesday
- You can share affiliate links to raise more funds for your work
- Check our FAQ's below for more information.
Tell us more about why you’d like to run a group.
We are GDPR-compliant. We do not share your contact with anyone. Nor will we use it to promote anything to you other than our platform.
Want to run a group?
Running a not-for-profit group is, at this time, by invitation only. Would you like to run a group yourself?
What we’re looking for :
- Build a local network of foster homes
- Share your knowledge about feeding, shelter, care, etc.
- Offer specialist feedback for emergency situations
- Provide local contacts
- Build a community of like-minded people
- Share photos, videos and stories in your own private community
Your questions answered
Can I start right away?
Yes. You can set up your group as soon as your group is set up by KindBunch admin.
When do I get paid commissions earned?
We make payouts on the 1st of every month.
Ad revenue : Payouts are credited to your account every Sunday.
Marketplace revenue : Payouts are made every 30 days.
Can I promote affiliate links in my group?
Yes, you can absolutely promote affiliate links.
As far as we’re concerned, its important that rescues have multiple sources of income too, so that you can stop relying on donations only. Times are confusing for many people, which is also why donations are down.
So, feel free to promote affiliate links.
Can I run more than 1 group?
Sure, if you have the time. You do need to moderate your community to make sure people stay on-script.
You will have the ability to ban or suspend people from your group.
Can I add moderators to help me run the group?
Absolutely. Pick people you trust and let them help you run a clean, friendly, fun group.
There's a pesty member bugging the rest of the group. What can I do?
You, the admin, and your moderators, have the ability to suspend or ban any member from your group as you see fit.
How do I get started?
Once you’re ready, fill out the form below.
Once we receive your submission, we will create your account for you and send your credentials to your email. Please be sure to whitelist all emails from kindbunch.com
Once you have your credentials, you will have access to your group to start setting it up.
Do I have to pay anything?
Of course not. You are sharing your knowledge. And your knowledge saves lives!
Who do you know?
We want our groups to be run by specialists who can offer support to those looking for it.
Do YOU know what to do if you find an injured pigeon? Or a hedgehog? Would you know what to do if you found an injured fox?
If you know someone who does, tell them about us.