Finding SaveAFox Florida – An Entertaining Exploration!
Mikayla Raines, the founder of SaveAFox Rescue, sends Seth Michael Clayton, friend – biz partner – and owner of 3ddi Worldwide, down to Florida to meet up with Tatyana, the operations manager for SaveAFox Rescue’s eventual Floridian location. Enjoy laughs and goods tunes as they check out several locations down south. This is a huge project for our organization and has been in the works for quite some time. In addition to being able to house species of Fox that aren’t acclimated to northern winters, this future location will allow our organization to expand upon it’s original intent – to save as many animals as possible! Our focus is to find, rescue, rehabilitate, house, and most importantly to find our animals safe and secure forever homes. We can’t stress that enough! Taking in more animals requires more space, but it also requires that our rescues are adopted! Please consider this our most important goal, finding those of you that can and will adopt! Please visit our website and social media pages if you have interest. Mikayla and her whole team thank you all for your continued support. YOU are the most vital part of this rescue system, by supporting our efforts you are ensuring a better and loving existence for all those foxes out there that need it. Now… share this message and video with everyone you can, we need to keep growing!
P.S. Subscribe if you haven’t already, and MAKE everyone you know do the same, we need Youtube subscribers, badly!
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Written to “SAVEAFOX”
12245 175th St. W.
Lakeville, MN 55044
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