Furfarm rescue foxes walk on grass for the first time!
Archer, Duchess, and Jolene were rescued from death row at a FurFarm back in January. Since then, they have been in a cage at our facility going through our training program. All new arrival foxes must go through a quarantine phase and training phase before being allowed into the ‘fox yard’.
To learn about our foxes training phase check out https://www.saveafox.org/training-protocol-new-surrenders-rescues/ on our website.
All of our foxes must be trained to go in their kennels when not supervised. This is important as federal regulations prohibits them being in the fox yard unattended. It is also necessary as we need to continuously treat the foxes with monthly mite, and flea prevention and routine vet care.
All foxes take a different amount of time to pass “training protocol” and it is sometimes more difficult with a group because some progress quicker than others. We want groups to be released together. We have been waiting for Jolene to pass her training and although we’d like to see her progress more, we are hoping she will follow more social foxes Duchess and Archer’s lead.
Go luck on your first day out foxes!
If you love the work we do please consider making a donation.
Video editing by 3ddi Worldwide
Ways you can donate?
Gofund me:
Website: Saveafox.org
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Written to “SAVEAFOX”
12245 175th St. W.
Lakeville, MN 55044
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