Homemade Green Tea Moisturiser – natural, cruelty free
Hey! This DIY deep moisturizing face cream is made with green tea so its full of antioxidants and is great for revitalizing your skin. I love this recipe because it is easy to make and it makes my skin feel so nourished. I apply it 1-2 hours before bed as a night moisturizer because this allows it to absorb without rubbing off on my pillows ♡
DIY green tea face moisturizer recipe:
– 1 Tbsp wax http://www.iherb.com/frontier-natural…
– 2 Tbsp coconut oil
– 3 Tbsp almond oil http://www.iherb.com/now-foods-soluti…
– 1/2 tsp vitamin e oil http://www.iherb.com/rexall-sundown-naturals-vitamin-e-oil-70-000-iu-2-5-fl-oz-75-ml/32925?rcode=gow915
– 1-2 tea bags organic green tea
– 5 drops essential oil – I used lavender for its nice smell and skin regenerating properties but you could use for instance eucalyptus, rosemary or tea tree oils for acne, or others for any other effects – a good chart is: https://www.naturesgift.com/aromather…
Melt the oils and wax. Pour in green tea sachet while oil is still on heat & leave for 10-15min before straining through cheese cloth. Then whip the strained liquid with an electric beater until it is room temperature and creamy. Store in a jar in a cool dry place, should last until finished because it primarily consists of oils.
I hope you enjoyed this video ♡
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some FAQ:
how old are you? : 22
Where do you live? : New Zealand
What do you film with: Canon 60d & canon s120
What do you edit on: FCPX
What do you study: Masters in Communication of Science and filmmaking
What do you love most in life: bruce -my chihuahua, my family & bf, animals, sunshine, FOOD, nature, compassion…
“take care of your body, its the only place you have to live”
“life is short, smile while you still have teeth”
“be the change you want to see, in your life and in the world!”
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Stay beautiful, love you guys ♡
Ela xx
Healthy. Happy. Natural. DIY. Inspired. Positive