Homemade Natural lipstick – Mauve /Wine
I think you will love this homemade lipstick – it’s so pigmented, affordable and easy to make while also being natural and cruelty free! I haven’t been wearing a lot of makeup lately so I haven’t been experimenting with many natural makeup recipes for a while, but now i’m back into it.
Natural Lipstick Recipe;
– 1 tsp wax
– 1 tsp Shea butter
– 1 tsp coconut oil
– 1 tsp almond oil – if in colder climate
– 1 tsp red reef clay
– optional 10 drops peppermint or cinnamon essential oil
– optional 1/4 tsp activated charcoal
I hope you enjoyed this video ♡
If you want to find my elsewhere here are some of my details:
some FAQ:
how old are you? : 22
Where do you live? : New Zealand
What do you film with: Canon 60d & canon s120
What do you edit on: FCPX
What do you study: Masters in Communication of Science and filmmaking
What do you love most in life: bruce -my chihuahua, my family & bf, animals, sunshine, FOOD, nature, compassion…
This channel hopes to inspire a positive life ♡
“take care of your body, its the only place you have to live”
“life is short, smile while you still have teeth”
“be the change you want to see, in your life and in the world!”
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Stay beautiful, love you guys ♡
Ela xx
Healthy. Happy. Natural. Vegan. DIY. Compassionate. Aware. Inspired. Positive