International Travel with Pets – We Travel the World Fulltime with Our Two Dogs. (Expats & Nomads)
To date Warren has been to 39 countries, and Julie has been to 36, but our dogs have become world travelers also, Katy has been to 11 countries and Arya to 10, and on three continents. In today’s video we discuss what we’ve had to do to make this happen, traveling with pets can be complicated and expensive but it’s worth the effort. We are two retired Nomad Expats that have chosen to slow travel the world, also called roaming retirement or roving retirement with our two dogs.
Travel with pet website:
USDA Vet website:
The average US Retiree on Social Security receives $1,600 a month, and a couple on Social Security receives over $2,600 a month. A US Expat living on Social Security can expect a great standard of living in many countries such as Turkey, Serbia, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Hungary, Poland, Spain, Italy, Philippines, Thailand, Ecuador, and many others when compared to the living costs in the US. If you dreamed of traveling as a nomad with your pet this video is for you.
International Medical Plans for Expats, Nomads, Students, Missionaries, Groups and Employers.
Warren will make a commission if you use this link for International Medical Plans with IMGlobal:
If you wish to contact us email:
Instagram: warren_julie_travel
Join our Facebook Group at:
Do you want to live abroad as an Expat? Are you looking for affordable and viable options? We are exploring the world to see what it’s like to live in a country, and also discover if Residency is an option.
We began our retirement in March of 2020 with the intent to travel the world, spending 1-3 months in a country or location. We want to see what it’s like to live there and not simply visit, and we want to share these experiences and the costs with whoever wishes to follow along.
We will make a commission on these links, your rates are not impacted.
If you are interested in our travel luggage here is the suitcase we call Big Blue:
Here is our Grey suitcase:
Here is the Selfie Stick used by Warren:
Dog backpack:
If you wish to contact us email:
Join our Facebook Group at:
Instagram: warren_julie_travel
#slowtravel #travel2022 #pets