Khanyisa’s first walk with the Jabulani Herd
Khanyisa’s first family walk!
Side by side, step by step, they ventured passed the grounds of the orphanage and the stables, and into the beautiful wilderness together.
Now that Khanyisa has met more than half of the Jabulani herd (Jabulani, Lundi, Somopane, Setombe, Klaserie, Bubi, Zindoga and Sebakwe) and feels comfortable in their company, we decided it would be great for them to go for a walk on the reserve together.
It was magical and heartwarming to see her walking beside her new family and learning from them every step of the way. You could see that the big elephants were watching their steps as much as she was, and they soon found their rhythm with their new heartbeat of the herd.
They returned to the stables, Khanyisa looked proud of herself and so content with life. They spent some time together before Lundi walked Khanyisa back to the orphanage, something we are encouraging.
Joshua and Lammie were waiting for her return, and she enjoyed a delicious bottle of milk formula and was ready for a snooze – it’s tiring being such a busy baby elephant!
Please consider donating to HERD or fostering Khanyisa: