Oh God, Greece. Again????
After #Rodri it happens again. This time it’s with Takis and a dog he had just found a home for.-
We gotta make some noise. This is out of control!!!
We’ve been following #Rodri since it happened and her story will stay in our sidebar until she is found. For those of you looking to learn more about Rodri and support the family, here is a piece we wrote a few weeks ago.
Well, would you look at that. A trainer who doesn’t need scare tactics or electric shocks to train a dog! #DogTraining
Some would lambast me for featuring such a well-known dog-breed, claiming that this shameless promo is what leads to the trade of dogs. I get that. I know it. But, Brodie has a special human who has turned Brodie into a fabulous ambassador for all dogs.
Brodie is indeed special. He does a ton of good work. Therapy for children living…Read More
Pigeons are wonderful, beautiful creatures that are very misunderstood by humans. They share our cities with us. They build their homes around us and they raise their families amongst us too. Sadly, this means that they often fall victim of human negligence and abuse. This group aims to dispel the ignorance around pigeons and show more people…Read More
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Amelie Violante wrote a new post
There are so many activities to get into with your pets. From a simple, gentle walk every day, to hiking, camping, a run on the beach, a swim at the pool, you name it. Not only does it build those strong bonds, but you get fit – you and your pet. So, make 2024 your year to get fitter with your furry partner-in-crime.
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