Anna Olson wrote a new post
Anna Olson wrote a new post
Anna Olson wrote a new post
Anna Olson wrote a new post
Anna Olson wrote a new post
Anna Olson wrote a new post
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Anna Olson wrote a new post
S06E01 Has it really been a year already? I was hatched on May 1, 2020 and now it's May 2021. Does that mean..I'm now one year old? It sure doesn't feel like it. Mom and dad are working hard on my...
Anna Olson wrote a new post
S06E03 Finally, summer! Time for sunbathing, exploring the beach and sniffing out bugs. I feel so full of life and joy! The other day I flew across the entire bay, mom and dad probably couldn't even see me anymore. I can't help it,...
Anna Olson wrote a new post
S06E02 It's easy to dismiss a cute little sparrow as nothing but love and gentleness. But we sparrows are in fact feisty and we know how to stand our ground. We are survivors, we are winged warriors and I often show my...
Anna Olson wrote a new post
Some new footage, exposure/colours correction and better compression. No real flying yet but at 18 days it was obvious that the bird will take to the air real soon. We had no idea at the time but she must have...
Anna Olson wrote a new post
New footage, new background music, colours and brightness correction, better compression and 60 fps. Another big milestone - Chibi is now eating by herself. At this point we were certain that she was going to make it and she...
Anna Olson wrote a new post
The fifth day of living with baby Chibi. Some new footage, some exposure and colour corrections and a better compression on the final video along with 60 fps. Chibi was no longer hiding in her cardboard box and was clearly...