So you want a pet fox? How to fox proof your house.
Here are some house proofing tips and facts.
What to expect while keeping a fox indoors.
Some key points discussed and a few I forgot to mention.
I hope this posts helps people realize the reality of keeping foxes, and that they do not do good indoors…in a typical household.
🌟Foxes never 100% potty train. I know you have probably seen pet foxes kept in carpeted houses, but their is no way to keep up with their strong odor if you have carpet.
🌟We sweep and mop the floors 1-2 times a day depending on how many foxes are inside.
⭐Because foxes love to pee and mark things, it is important to never leave anything laying out where a fox has access to it.
Example: You leave your coffee on the coffee table… your fox will pee in it.
Your kid leaves his toy dump truck out… the fox will pee in it.
⭐If your fox has access to your furniture unattended it will eventually dig a hole in it.
Google “Fox digs hole in mattress”. First video that comes up is Finnegan digging through my bed.
⭐Foxes don’t understand punishment. Don’t yell at your fox for chewing, peeing, digging….these are foxes we are talking about. If you want a well behaved animal, then a fox isn’t for you.
⭐Most of our foxes live outdoors, and I choose to allow some in the house. But having them inside is not necessary. For me, making these changes wasn’t as big of a commitment as it might be to some.
Lastly, living with a fox means changing the way you live. Are you prepared to make such a huge commitment?
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