Traveling with dog around the world by backpacking, hitchhiking
Snupi – the rescue dog from Poland, is traveling around the world, uninterrupted for 15 months. Has already visited over 25 countries, on 4 continents, crossed over 3000 nautical miles and the Amazon River. We have visited, among others Venezuela, Brazil, Ecuador, Morocco, the Cape Verde Islands, Peru … and the counter is still beating. The plan, after visiting Bolivia, is to head north from Colombia hitchhike a boat to USA, from there go by land to Canada, Alaska, and later to Kamchatka Peninsula. Long trekking and high mountains are our favorite activities, but we visit everything what is interesting on the way.
With Izabella and Peter, he changed the animal shelter cage into the wilderness of the whole world. Currently in South America, but Snupi (the mutt/mogrel) foreign travels began in 2014, from hitchhiking trip to Turkey, Georgia and Armenia.
After that there were holiday trips to Switzerland, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, and all this brought them finally – in August 2017, to start backpacking trip around the world.
To keep up to date with our trip, we invite you to:
1. Instagram
2. To subscribe our youtube channel
3. Facebook which is in polish language but google translate works realy good with polish-english
4. You can also read intrview with us in english language.
This 10 Year Old Mutt Is On a Two Year Trip Around the World
Podroze z Pazurem means travel with the claw 🙂
Why do we have a blog?
Snupi comes from the dog shelter, so through our travels we want to promote dog adoptions. Our Snupi is small 8.5 kg mongrel, below the knees. We want to make people aware that you do not need a husky dog or a border collie to be active with it. By traveling with Snupi, we also want to show that the dog is not an obstacle to the implementation of everyday activities, as well as more complicated plans. Is the dog a limitation? Sure, but it’s only up to us where the borders are. In addition, we want to spread awareness how a dog can positively change our world and the way we look at the reality. The dog is an ideal companion, because he is always happy, always ready for action. When we have a bad day, we are tired or worried, it is enough to look at our Snup, and the smile comes back!. We realize then that all problems are only a temporary state, and the most important thing is that we have each other. Then there is nothing impossible for us to overcome. We want to promote adoptions, because it was Snupi who aroused in us the desire to travel far and more far and more wildly. The dog is also a great bridge in interpersonal relationships, when people see us, all language, cultural and shyness barriers disappear, as well as social – poor and simple people approach us, as well as those with millions on their account and usually filled with artificial courtesy. Also, in many places in the world we have seen dogs in terrible conditions and poorly treated, but haven’t done anything about it; it overwhelms us. But a lot of people, upon seeing our dog, i.e. clean, well raised, responsive, and friendly, changed the way of look at their dogs. This includes people who did not like or were afraid of them. We believe that by showing their intelligence, their ability to improve us as people, we are starting to create more respect and love for dogs around the world!
Music by: Joy Pop „Plastic Bag”