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Pets with Dementia

  • Public Group
  • 4 days, 21 hours ago
  • Welcome everyone. The photos you see are of Bob. He is the inspiration for this group. Bob had dementia. For the last 3 years of his life, his human family watched with sadness as they progressively lost their boy to dementia.

    For him, not much changed in his mind, I believe. He was still playful. He loved his walks and he loved barking at everyone. We know he was content because, despite his condition and regular confusion, he never stopped collecting his beloved rocks which he carefully tucked in the far corner of his bed.

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It’s tough to know how to deal with and support our pets as we slowly lose them to dementia. The hope is that this group can bring together pet parents living the same dilemma, and, by sharing our experiences, we can support our pets and each other better.

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