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Amelie ViolanteOffline

  • Standard member
  • Welcome everyone. The photos you see are of Bob. He is the inspiration for this group. Bob had dementia. For the last 3 years of his life, his human family watched with sadness as they progressively lost their boy to dementia.

    For him, not much changed in his mind, I believe. He was still playful. He loved his walks and he loved barking at everyone. We know he was content because, despite his condition and regular confusion, he never stopped collecting his beloved rocks which he carefully tucked in the far corner of his bed.

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  • Profile picture of KindBunch

    KindBunch posted in the group Pigeons

    Pigeons are wonderful, beautiful creatures that are very misunderstood by humans. They share our cities with us. They build their homes around us and they raise their families amongst us too. Sadly, this means that they often fall victim of human negligence and abuse. This group aims to dispel the ignorance around pigeons and show more people just how wonderful they are.
    Join our forums, share your knowledge and understand pigeons better.

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  • Welcome, all rabbit lovers.
    In this group, we share everything that every rabbit parent has to know about food, shelter, health, exercise and more.
    When we share what we know, we save lives!
    So, join us in the forums, ask any question you may have and find the answers you need from your fellow rabbit lovers.

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