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Amelie ViolanteOffline

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  • Some would lambast me for featuring such a well-known dog-breed, claiming that this shameless promo is what leads to the trade of dogs. I get that. I know it. But, Brodie has a special human who has turned Brodie into a fabulous ambassador for all dogs.

    Brodie is indeed special. He does a ton of good work. Therapy for children living thru cancer is one of those wonderful things Brodie does. And I want to highlight humans like Brodie’s human for the tireless work he does with Brodie to bring a smile to a child stuck in…Read More

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  • They grow old, just like us.
    Yet, they grow old so much faster. In a mere 10 years, their little bodies start to feel the aches and pains of old age. As pet parents, we struggle with this. Despite our emotions about this situation, it is in their old age that they need us most. This group is here to support pet parents with ageing pets, where we can discuss everything from diet, exercise, home improvement and everything else our senior pets will need from us. How can we make our homes more friendly for their weary bones? Should…Read More

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    Pit bull dog gets the zoomies and makes the kids laugh hysterically

    I don't own the video. This video belongs to

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