For those of you who know me, you know that I have a senior pitbull rescue. He’s going on 12 years of age now. We’ve been together for 3 years now. He had a hard life living with people who did not care for him. Most of his time was out in the backyard alone, rain or shine. In the last year, he started slowing down. We used to walk 5-7KM together every other day. But, then I started noticing him slowing down. So, I decide to invest in some therapy for him. First the pool. He didnt like the water. And I did not like the…Read More
Some would lambast me for featuring such a well-known dog-breed, claiming that this shameless promo is what leads to the trade of dogs. I get that. I know it. But, Brodie has a special human who has turned Brodie into a fabulous ambassador for all dogs.
Brodie is indeed special. He does a ton of good work. Therapy for children living thru cancer is one of those wonderful things Brodie does. And I want to highlight humans like Brodie’s human for the tireless work he does with Brodie to bring a smile to a child stuck in…Read More
Amelie Violante posted in the group Healthy Pet family
There are so many activities to get into with your pets. From a simple, gentle walk every day, to hiking, camping, a run on the beach, a swim at the pool, you name it. Not only does it build those strong bonds, but you get fit – you and your pet. So, make 2024 your year to get fitter with your furry partner-in-crime.
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Hard worker
I decided 10 years ago to dedicate my life to develop tools to help small businesses to grow their empire. My tools, however, will not trade off privacy for profit. I decided that the tools I develop will be for a greater good, not just for a profit margin.
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I did the pool work with my old Bella too. She responded well-ish because she liked the water. But Yes to massages. She loved those and I did notice a change in her. Thank you for this share.